1. HC
2. WM-X
3. ToG-FuN
Profile picture for user Mnich

Mnich 2 years 3 months ago

Congratulations to the winners, nice tournament, even good attendance and good matches, as for the rules that have been tested in practice - regarding a sorceress who several people consider not playable under the current rules, I think from my point of view that it can be played without major problems only what hurts this is no DR vs druid, as for amazon people playing in this tournament also did not report a problem with the new rules so we think it turned out quite well.

The only thing we feel sorry for are people who have time on the day of the tournament, have a character and do not want to play for strange reasons and excuses, or we have such a feeling of fear of losing, probably considering themselves "legends" who should not lose to less known people by doing this you don't do the administration out of spite, but for people who care about playing in more people and developing the league.

Have fun playing.

Profile picture for user Ferdia

Ferdia 2 years 3 months ago

both @chum and I really enjoyed it. We messed up vs dudu and nec, should have pushed to centre map and just keep angling around the nec to prevent being cornered, and vs the esfb/foh team i should have gone OW armor sooner, and then we showed our inexperience when we did not use salvation (we died to 2 hits from esfb repeatedly) will get revenge haha! look forward to more duels. i almost have a barb done so if anyone ever wants practice duels just pm me im here daily each evening 🙂 well done to everyone that took part!

Profile picture for user Mnich

Mnich 2 years 3 months ago

In reply to by Ferdia

You played well in the matter of training and it will be fine,

Profile picture for user Pajak

Pajak 2 years 3 months ago

na moje zasady co do nec dru lekko do modyfikacji bo duel ciezki wrecz niemozliwy do wygrania teamem foh fb, ale tak jak widac ama teamy tez za duzo szans nie miały !

trzeba by bylo pomyslec nad zabronieniu uzywania miska u dru lub bp u neka ;P